Jacksonville, FL & northern Florida Counseling
Deciding to get help for substance abuse is only half the battle. Goal setting in substance abuse is equally as important in getting freedom from drug and alcohol abuse.
Before goal setting can begin however, you must decide to get counseling today by contacting a Jacksonville counselor. At Breakthroughs, we have a staff of eight, full-time counselors in our Jacksonville, Florida rehab center that can address substance abuse and other issues.
Our Theory Behind Goal
Setting in Substance Abuse
Our rehab center in Jacksonville, Floridapromotes setting realistic, behavioral, and measurable substance abuse goals. However, it is important to remember that goal setting in substance abuse cannot be measured only by total abstinence. Relapse may occur while in treatment.
If relapse occurs, our Jacksonville therapists will explore with you what triggered your relapse and how your substance abuse treatment plan needs to change.
Common causes of relapse include:
- Being unable to develop the recovery and social skills required to build an addiction-free lifestyle
- Attempting to cope with the emotions and relationships presented in our daily routine
- Being unable to process and cope with unresolved childhood issues
- Avoiding the necessary lifestyle and personality changes required to grow into a life without chemical dependency
Positive Changes in Substance Abuse Treatment
If you decide to begin alcohol or drug rehab at our Jacksonville, Florida rehab center, often other changes will occur as treatment begins succeeding and you begin achieving freedom from your substance abuse:
- Improved mood
- Improvement in job performance
- Better relationship with your family
- More active and engaged lifestyle
Breakthroughs’ Jacksonville counseling and mental health center is dedicated to realistic and achievable substance abuse goals. However, it is not an overnight process. Individuals seeking freedom from substance abuse must be prepared to fully dedicate themselves to treatment.
If you or a loved one would like to learn more about substance abuse treatment, please contact our Jacksonville therapists today to schedule a visit with one of Breakthroughs’ counselors.